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Domains of interest...

The design and the evaluation of interactive systems

The domains of research are divided into two complementary fields :
- The design of innovations
- The evaluation of interactive systems

The common thread between those two approaches is at the level of human activity analysis at multiple levels of precision :
- In general at a medium precision for participatory design
- At a higher precision for evaluation

Upstream, design enables, from datas produced by all involved, in the use of an artefact, to determine the more exhaustively possible the features of the interactive system to conceive. More specifically, Multicom approaching is focused on the participative design and is interested in the methods and tools used to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the human centered of interactive products according to a multi-field approach.

Downstream, but also during a design’s cycle, the evaluation of usability allows to define “the degree according to which a product can be used to achieve definite goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction, in a specified context of use” [ISO] ; More precisely, Multicom approach focuses on methods and tools for the evaluation of usability and the use of interactive systems, with for objective with for objective making these methods more reproducible and more efficient with an aim of automating them.

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